It makes possible for option traders to track multiple strikes with different underline stocks in one single chart. You don't have to check every symbol and strike manually anymore. It will save you a lot of valuable time and improve your efficiency.
- Shows Strike, Volume, Open Interest, Last, High, Low, Net Change, Percent Change from any given symbol's Call data.
- Shows Strike, Volume, Open Interest, Last, High, Low, Net Change, Percent Change from any given symbol's Put data.
- Shows Strike, Volume, Open Interest, Last, High, Low, Net Change, Percent Change from current chart symbol's Call.
- Shows Strike, Volume, Open Interest, Last, High, Low, Net Change, Percent Change from current chart symbol's Put.
- Alert when the Last of a Call or Put is greater than the input value.
- Set up any proper strike price you want.
- Set up the expire date of an option.
- Enable to use this indicator for current chart's symbol only.
- Enable to use this indicator for any optionable symbol.
- Show option data for as many symbols as you want.
Understanding the inputs
- use Current Symbol: if set it to YES, then it will only show option data of the current chart symbol, it will ignore the symbol that you entered. if set it to NO, it will only show option data from the symbol you entered.
- symbol: it only works when you set "use Current Symbol" to NO.
- expire date: the expiration of the option in format of YYMMDD
- strike price: the option strikes, if you entered a invalid number it will show nothing on chart.
- CallAlertPrice: the price value used to compare with Call's Last traded price.
- PutAlertPrice: the price value used to compare with Put's Last traded price.
- uncheck the "Enabled" option to disable alert.
The best way to know how it works is to begin with an example.
If you want it to show the option data of 'SPY' with strike 230 and expires: April 13, 2017,
and get alerts if the Last of Call or Put is greater than $2.
Then you can use the following inputs if the current chart is 'SPY'.

If the current chart is QQQ, and you want to watch the option data of 'SPY' with strike 230 and expires: April 13, 2017. Then set:
input useCurrentSymbol=no;
input symbol="spy";
input expireDate = "170413";
input strikePrice = 230;
input CallAlertPrice=2;
input PutAlertPrice=2;
It will alert if the Last of Call or Put is greater than $2. You could uncheck the "Enabled" option to disable the alerts.
If you only want to track the options for the current symbol displayed in chart, then simply set
input useCurrentSymbol=Yes, then specify strike prices and expiry dates you are interested in.
The screenshot shown below is an example of adding this indicator 6 time with useCurrentSymbol=Yes and different strike and different expiry date.
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